Grounded upon the conviction that God first loved us, members of the College community strive, in response, to promote the love of God and of neighbour. From this flows a commitment to Gospel values, such as mercy and compassion, equality and justice, as well as a respect for diversity.
In addition to encouraging each student to reach their full potential in every area of human endeavour, the College strives to promote in each individual a sense of purpose and self- esteem. Thus, the College aspires to prepare all its students to be committed citizens, who serve the needs of others and are sensitive to the environment. In pursuit of these goals, staff and students work as one, in an atmosphere of mutual respect, openness and trust. The work of the College is undergirded by the regular experience of corporate worship.
Kilkenny College was founded in 1536 and serves as the Diocesan College of the Cashel Ferns and Ossory Diocese of the Church of Ireland. Kilkenny College is a Church of Ireland co- educational boarding and day school recognised by the Department of Education and Skills (School Roll NO: 61570M).
The ethos of the College is ecumenical and inclusive. This is given witness by the diverse community within the College which comprises many denominations and faiths, gathered within the pastoral leadership of the Church of Ireland.
The College Patron body is The Incorporated Society for the promotion of Protestant schools in Ireland. Trusteeship and Governance of the College is overseen by The Board of Governors and the Board of Management as per the 1998 Education Act.
All members of the College community are entitled to respect. Equally, all are expected to demonstrate a high level of respect to themselves and to all others. Kilkenny College seeks to support the growth and revealing of the God-given and natural abilities, talents and character of each student during their education. It is our aspiration that each student matures and develops to a point of self-understanding as to who it is they are and leaves equipped and willing to play their part as an active citizen in their community, their country and beyond.

Forms & Curriculum
Kilkenny College provides a six year cycle of second level education. The student is the centre of all College activity. The core purpose of the College is to guide their education and development journey through a structured curriculum which provides breadth and depth for learning. Appropriate learning opportunities are provided for all within the College, irrespective of gender or ability. While all students are expected to participate fully in the life of the College, diversity of academic ability is recognized and provided for within resources as may be required.
In serving the diocesan and wider community, a fundamental underpinning of the structure and life of Kilkenny College is co-educational boarding. Boarding provides an enriching educational and pastoral experience in support of the growth of the student through their adolescent years. A scheduled programme of extra-curricular activities each school day extends the academic curriculum and is available to all boarders and those day students who have been registered to participate.